General information about the ground area |
Planned use of ground area | Production of construction materials |
Cadastre number of area/of quarter | 23:24:0204311 |
Declared area (m2) | 14600 |
Land category | Land of settlements |
Electricity supply |
Power supply center (electrotension class) | Middle class of tension – from 1 kV to 35 kV |
Power supply center (free power (MWt)) | 1.50 |
Nearest connection point (network tension, kV) | 10.00 |
Nearest connection point (distance(m)) | 300 |
Gas-supplying |
Gas pipeline (diameter(mm)) | 325 |
Gas pipeline (pressure(MPa)) | 0,03 |
Nearest connection point (diameter(mm)) | 325 |
Nearest connection point (pressure (MPa)) | Average pressure pipelines – from 0,005 to 0,3 |
Nearest connection point (distance(m)) | 450 |
Water-supply |
Water supply source (quality of water) | Service and drinking water |
Installation of telephones/internet |
Central network (distance(m)) | 4200 |
Distance to the large settlements and objects of a transport infrastructure |
Remoteness from | The name | Distance (km) |
Center of the subject of federation | | 120 |
Highways (regional, federal value) | | 4.93 |
Highways of local value | | 0.3 |
Nearest railway station | | 4.7 |
Nearest railway | | 0.07 |
Airport | Krasnodar airport | 126 |
Seaport | seaport Yeysk | 162 |
Geographical coordinates of object (dd.dddddd) |
Latitude (N) | 39.83896000 |
Longitude (E) | 46.13114700 |
Data on the project initiator (in case of existence information about the legal/physical person) |
Site | |
Phone/fax | 8-86191-3-36-70 |
E-mail address | |
Data about the applicant (executive authority/local government executive authority) |
Site | |
Phone/fax | 8-86191-3-36-70 |
E-mail address | |